Argentina allocates 501MW of PV capacity in renewable energy auction


Argentine authorities have allocated 633.7 MW of renewable energy capacity in the country's latest procurement exercise. The allocated PV capacity comes from 44 planned solar farms.

Argentina's Ministry of Energy has announced the results of the RenMDI2 project, a renewable energy generation tender, with an initial plan to allocate 620 MW of generating capacity.

The ministry said that 98 projects totalling 633.7 MW were selected in the procurement exercise, of which 44 are photovoltaic projects totalling 501.1 MW, with the remaining capacity coming from a 10 MW wind farm, a 3 MW biomass project, a 29.9 MW biogas plant, a 39 MW biomass plant, and 19 mini-hydropower projects totalling 37.5 MW, respectively (PAH).

The solar projects will be located in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes, Formosa, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, San Juan, Santa Fe and Santiago del Estero.

The successful bidder will receive a 15-year contract to supply electricity from Cammesa, which manages the country's wholesale electricity market. The procurement is the country's first public tender for renewable energy since 2019. That year, Argentina held a third round of public tenders for RenovAr, with a minimum price of $54.22 per megawatt hour.