About Energy Storage And Energy Storage Wiring Harness


About energy storage and energy storage wiring harness

What is energy storage

Energy storage refers to the process of storing energy through a medium or device and releasing it when needed.

The significance of energy storage in photovoltaic system

1) Ensure system stability. In the photovoltaic power station system, the photovoltaic output power curve and the load curve are quite difAbout energy storage and energy storage wiring harness(图1)ferent, and both of them have unpredictable fluctuation characteristics. Through the energy storage and buffering of the energy storage system, the system can still run at a stable output level even when the load fluctuates rapidly.

2) Energy reserve. The energy storage system can play a backup and transition role when the photovoltaic power generation cannot operate normally. For example, when the battery array fails to generate power at night or on rainy days, the energy storage system will play a backup and transition role, and the amount of its energy storage capacity depends on the load demand.

3) Improve power quality and reliability. Energy storage system can also prevent the voltage spike on the load, voltage drop and other external interference caused by grid fluctuations to the system caused by great impact, the use of enough energy storage system can ensure the quality and reliability of power output.

The range of energy storage cable application

The upstream of the energy storage industry chain mainly includes battery raw materials and production equipment suppliers. Midstream is mainly battery, battery management system, energy management system and energy storage converter suppliers; Downstream are mainly energy storage system integrators, installers and end users.

Types of energy storage harnessEnergy storage low-voltage wiring harness mainly includes:

 Wiring harnesses inside the battery box (including voltage collection cables, temperature collection cables, simple module communication cables, communication cables in the box, and matching electrical group cables)

 Wiring harness of the main control box

 Wiring harness of the bus box External Communications cable harnesses (including external cables for the main control box and communication buses for the container)

 Cable harnesses for the charging cabinet (including fan power supplies, starting power supplies, GPRS cable harnesses, temperature control cables, and DC/DC power cables harnesses)

 Charging pile Wiring harness (including emergency stop switch and lighting circuit)

Energy storage high voltage wiring harness:

 Power cables between boxes

 Power cables of the main control box

 Power cables for the bus box

 DC Charging station

 dc gun

 AC Charging socket

 communicate gun